

Annual checkup exams aren’t just important for humans. In fact, given the shorter life spans of our animal friends, routine vet care wellness checks are essential for keeping them happy and healthy. When our doctors are able to examine your pet on a regular basis, measures can be taken to prevent illness from occurring. Furthermore, routine visits allow us to detect the signs of medical problems early so they can be treated quickly and effectively. Not only can these things help your pet live longer, but the quality of that extra time will also be enhanced.

Companion animals can be exposed to many dangers during their lives. It’s our job, as pet parents and veterinary professionals, to keep them protected from these risks whenever possible. That’s why wellness care is so important. During these regular visits, we can take a number of measures to prevent disease, such as vaccinations, parasite control and proper nutrition. By staying one step ahead of illness, your companion will enjoy a much better life.

Despite our best efforts, your pet may still develop certain ailments that can affect his or her wellbeing. The most effective way we can manage these problems is by identifying and treating them early, before they worsen. By examining your pet on a regular basis, we can get a clear understanding of what’s “normal” for him or her. This helps us to quickly recognize subtle changes so we can address them in the most timely and efficient manner. Early detection of illness can vastly improve the prognosis for your loved one.

Finally, we view wellness visits as the perfect opportunity to get to know you and your pet and to connect on a personal level. We encourage questions and are happy to discuss your companion’s needs with you. Moreover, we enjoy the time we get to spend with your animal friend. Establishing a bond with your pet will allow us to deliver the highest quality care at each and every appointment.

You want to keep your loved one with your family for as many years as possible. The wellness services at Effingham Animal Hospital can help you achieve that goal.